

Contact details


Addressa: Ježdovečka 1c, 10250 Lučko, Zageb
Tel: +385 1 6530 709
Mob: +385 95 77 116 66
Morking hours: Mon-Fri 7-15h
E-mail: info@centarglavamotora.hr

Specijalna zavarivanja Čukman d.o.o.

Addressa: Ježdovečka 1c, 10250 Lučko, Zageb
Tel: +385 1 6530 709
Mob: +385 95 77 116 67
Workin hours: Mon-Fri 7-15h
E-mail: info@specijalna-zavarivanja.net

Centar glava motora d.o.o.

Adresa: Ježdovečka 1c, 10250 Lučko, Zageb
Telefon: +385 1 6536 074
Mobitel: +385 95 77 116 66
Radno vrijeme: pon-pet 7-15h
E-mail: info@centarglavamotora.hr

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How to reach us

We are located in Lučko, near Zagreb. The Lučko junction is connected to the entrances and exits to the highway, and local roads to Samobor and Karlovac. See our location on the map.